La Bonne Vie has provided some of the best quality cheeses on the market for years. We are happy to announce our new line of organic cheeses made with all the same care and quality!


Only a handful of cheeses have reached icon status, and Brie is one of them! Our Brie’s have a creamy smooth paste wrapped in a pillowy white rind. These decadent wheels are best served with fresh fruits and jams, but can take a detour down the savory path and get wrapped up in a puff pastry and baked until gooey on the inside.

How do I choose?

Double Creme or Triple Creme?

Double Creme

Double Creme Bries’s have a lower fat content and tend to have more pungent flavors. The paste of this cheese is dense and fudgy.

Triple Creme

Triple Creme Brie’s have a much higher fat content. Some as high as 76%. This gives them a rich buttery flavor with a soft and extra smooth paste.


Fresh goat cheese is citrusy and tangy with a fresh punch of flavor. Goat cheese is extremely versatile and can be used in a multitude of dishes. Whether you need fresh crumbles for a salad or a beautiful rolled chevre for your next cheese board, our variety of goat cheeses are guaranteed to give you just what you are looking for!


Fresh milk cheeses are ideal for cooking and baking. La Bonne Vie’s assortment of fresh cheeses are made using the finest quality of milk and crafted to creamy perfection. Each of our fresh cheeses will add that special touch to your next entree!